Are you prepared for a return to the office?

Returning to work safely, powered by Canon’s Therefore™ online solution.

Are you prepared for a return to the office?

Built to fit every organisation

Whatever your new normal looks like, the safety and wellbeing of employees, clients, and visitors to your premises is paramount. We can help you welcome them back with confidence. Canon’s Therefore e-forms solution offers a digital check-in process, so you monitor the number of employees and ensure you’re keeping in line with government guidelines.

Therefore is a flexible, scalable solution designed to fit organisations of any size. From on-premise implementation to fully managed cloud-based Therefore Online, there’s a package for every solution.

Return to the office with confidence

Return to the office with confidence

Find out more about Therefore e-forms.

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Explore further

HR Digitisation

Boost productivity and cut costs by replacing manual HR processes with automated workflows.

Invoice Processing

Improve Accounts Payable efficiency and transparency for greater control over costs.

Digital Mailroom

Deliver better customer service by processing mail faster and more cost-efficiently.

Want to find out more information about Therefore e-forms?