
Think Book Business Model Guide #1 Book lifecycle management

Find out how digital printing can help you match print production with actual demand

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Why adopt book lifecycle management?

Reduced process costs, lower stock levels and improved product availability - that's why. Find out more in the first Think Books Business Model Guide.

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Match print production to actual demand

Digital print has the potential to transform the publishing supply chain. Today, a growing number of book printers are pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved by embracing new digital business models, such as book lifecycle management. 

Lifecycle management is to the book publishing supply chain what sophisticated inventory management systems are to major retailers. By combining digital print with automated stock replenishment (ASR) systems, publishers can match orders and print production to actual demand for individual titles, ‘right-sizing’ inventory to match order intake, while reducing costs and waste.

Embracing book lifecycle management as a business model is a significant step forwards. Find out more in the first of three Canon Think Books Business Model Guides. This guide will appeal to book printers who want to:

  • Synchronise orders and print production with actual demand
  • Minimise sell-off risk and maximise sales
  • Automate processes

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Find out how book lifecycle management can transform your printing business