Digital Court Bundles

Speed up info retrieval in the physical courtroom.

Digital Courts Bundles – Canon UK

Digital court bundles prevent physical courtroom blunders

Court bundles, digital court bundles, electronic court bundles, whatever you call them they’re here to stay, in the physical courtroom as well as at remote hearings. Why? Because even if you’re not using digital court bundles, the other side is likely to be. Being unable to access the exact case notes you need on the spot risks your case and your reputation.

Physical courtroom blunders labelled #Bundlegates by the press, can easily be prevented with digital court bundles – for this you require a digital scanner. While most legal firms have either identified or bought courtroom software solutions already, many are missing a trick, connecting them to legacy scanners.

Does your digital scanner maximise the benefits of your digital court bundles?

Are you connecting your digital courtroom software to a high performance, secure, intelligent scanner

  • Simplifies document retrieval – in and out of court?
  • Speeds up the creation of court bundles – saving time before and during hearings?
  • Keeps data safe – according to compliance processes and data protection regulations?
  • Frees up space – in your brief case in and office storage space?
  • Makes a positive environmental impact – reducing ink and paper usage and minimising energy usage?
  • Makes collaborating easier – for example eliminating version control crises?
  • Supports agile working – now your team is getting used to it?
  • Increases productivity – speeding up processes and automating workflow?
  • Engages your workforce – enabling document handling at speed, automating workflows, and saving time and money?

BundleGates: Digitise Your Court Bundles

No More #BundleGates: Digitise Your Court Bundles

Paper-based court bundles have served their time. There’s no going back. Discover how the right scanner can help you in this digital transformation.

If you're interested in finding out more