A Transformational Partnership with East Lothian Council

Working in partnership to underpin continuous improvement

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East Lothian Council – Canon UK

Our relationship with Canon has developed into a strong multi-level partnership that benefits the entire estate.

Alistair Campbell, Team Manager Desktop Services, East Lothian Council

Benefits of partnership

In 2009 the first Managed Print Service (MPS) on the Scottish Procurement framework was awarded to Canon UK by East Lothian Council (ELC).

Since then, Canon has aligned its complete partnership strategy to fully support ELC’s vision of creating an even more prosperous, safe, and sustainable East Lothian, with a dynamic and thriving economy that enables its people and communities to flourish.

By working in partnership with Canon to harness the opportunities provided by technology, ELC is able to use information intelligently and actively pursue its vision.

East Lothian Council – Canon UK

Canon is smashing our Service Level Agreements

Alistair Campbell, Team Manager Desktop Services, East Lothian Council

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