These Terms of Use (“Terms”) apply to Canon Professional Services (“CPS”) Membership and set out the specific terms and conditions applicable to the CPS Membership and use of any CPS Membership benefits as set out herein.

Please read these carefully before purchasing CPS Membership. By purchasing a subscription, you are agreeing to these Terms of Use.


CPS Membership is offered to Your Business (“Business”, “You”, “Your”) by Canon Europa N.V, (“Canon”, “we”, “our”, “us”) whose registered address is Bovenkerkerweg 59, P.). Box 2260, 1185 XB, Amstelveen, The Netherlands under Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce registration number 33166721.


2.1 In order to be eligible for CPS Membership, an applicant must:

  1. Be a registered business entity within the “CPS Participating Countries”: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Norway, Slovakia, Finland, Denmark, Spain (mainland only), Sweden and The United Kingdom (mainland only).
  2. Have earned the required number of Product Points to qualify for CPS Membership under these Terms. Product Points are earned based on the full registration of Canon Products (‘‘Eligible Products’’), on your business account. Eligible Products includes, but is not limited to: a video camera, camera, printer, lens, projectors, facsimile, personal copiers, scanners, storage devices, binoculars and must include a serial number. Not all Canon products (including some accessories, merchandise, paper or ink) can be registered and not all will provide you with Points. Point values for individual products shall be subject to change without notice. For avoidance of doubt, we will not apply any changes retrospectively.
  3. Pay an annual CPS Membership fee per Term (as hereinafter defined).
2.2 To apply for CPS Membership, an applicant must:
  1. Create a Canon Business Account for your Business here
  2. Eligible Product(s) owned by your Business must be fully registered in your Business Account and gain product points.
  3. Apply for CPS Membership online through the Subscriptions page in Your Business Account in the or through the link here
2.3 All applications are subject to approval by Canon, in its sole discretion. Canon reserves the right to confirm that the prospective member's application information is accurate and may require additional proof upon request. Canon may reject any applicant in its sole discretion, in case of a suspected fraud or on any other reasonable grounds. Applicants are not eligible for CPS Membership if they have previously been expelled or terminated from any current or previous Canon customer programmes including the current, and any predecessor, CPS Programme.

2.4 You hereby represent and warrant that all information submitted with your application is true and accurate. Any misrepresentation may result in the immediate termination of your CPS Membership with no refund of the annual Membership fee.


3.1 The CPS Membership must be held in the name of the business entity and the designated ‘Super User(s)’ of the Business Account are responsible for registering the correct and accurate information for CPS Membership communications.

3.2 The ‘Super User(s)’ of your Business Account must ensure that the Business Account is updated with any changes to registered product(s) or to company information.


4.1 A CPS Membership subscription provides you with various benefits – such as enhanced repair, servicing and loan facilities provided directly by our Canon Professional Service Centres (“PSC’s”) across Europe and located in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom; access to Canon’s dedicated CPS Priority Support Helpdesk.; additional information about Canon photo video products and services; product support for accredited professionals at major global events and invitations to Member’s events or special offers from Canon and our partners.

4.2 We offer this CPS Membership subscription to professional and business customers within the following “CPS Participating Countries”: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Norway, Slovakia, Finland, Denmark, Spain (mainland only), Sweden and The United Kingdom (mainland only).

4.3 We offer various Tiers of CPS Membership and the Tiers available for you to subscribe to will depend on the Product Points (defined in Clause 11.2 of these Terms) you gained based on your registered Eligible Products owned by you and the subscription fee you are willing to pay. The CPS Membership Tiers are Silver, Gold, Platinum and Corporate (itself comprising of three Tiers - A, B & C). A full explanation of the CPS Membership Tiers can be found in Clause 11.2.

4.4 If You are accepted for the CPS Membership Programme by Canon, Canon will provide to You the benefits corresponding to the CPS Membership Tier chosen by You, as detailed in the Benefits section (Clause 11) below. If your business wishes to upgrade or downgrade your Membership Tier, you must apply for the desired Tier within the CPS Subscription page in your Business Account. Changes to your CPS Membership Tier will only take place after your current subscription term expires and the full amount of the new upgraded or downgraded CPS Membership fee will be charged to you.

4.5 Your CPS Membership Card and the CPS Subscription page in your Business Account contain Your CPS Membership number. This CPS Membership number must be provided by all designated ‘Superuser(s)’ or User(s)’ of your Business Account when using any of the CPS benefits such as requesting a repair or service, access to events, or any offers.


5.1 All CPS Membership Tiers are available for a term of one (1) year however, selected CPS Membership Tiers are available for a range of one (1) year to three (3) years.

5.2 The term of subscription to the CPS Membership Programme is dependent on Your chosen CPS Membership Tier and the length of subscription (where applicable). Your subscription starts from the date when You place an order for a CPS subscription and You accept the Terms of Use.

5.3 The Membership fee is charged in advance upon subscription. You authorise us to charge any card or other payment method associated with your Business Account.

5.4 If a payment is unsuccessful, or is declined for any reason, Canon may suspend your access to your CPS Membership until you provide a valid payment method. Canon assumes no responsibility or liability if your CPS Membership fails to renew or expires because of invalid payment information.

5.5 You remain responsible for any uncollected amounts. Your payment will be processed through WorldPay, our third-party payment processor.


6.1 Your CPS Membership will auto-renew for the same Membership Tier at the end of the subscription term unless you change your auto-renewal preferences before the end of your current subscription term. Visit the CPS Subscription page in your Business Account to learn more about your Membership, manage your Membership settings, or to cancel your CPS Membership.

6.2 Before you are automatically billed on the renewal date indicated in the CPS Subscription page in Your Business Account, we will notify You over email to designated ‘Superuser(s)’ of your renewal and the applicable CPS Membership fee (if any) before the renewal occurs. You will have the opportunity to cancel your membership before your membership is renewed.

6.3 Canon assumes no responsibility or liability for our failure to contact you if your Business Account contact information changes or becomes out of date.

6.4 For cases where Card Payment is your preferred payment method, we will charge the card listed in our subscription manager at the time of auto-renewal. Your initial sign-up is an authorisation for us to use the card in our subscription manager to pay for your initial membership subscription and any subsequent membership renewal. By enrolling in our auto-renewal service, you understand your membership will automatically renew and you authorise Canon to collect the then-applicable membership fee, using the card found in the subscription manager. You also understand that if you would like to cancel auto-renewal you must cancel your CPS Membership in the Subscription page of your Business Account.


7.1 You may request upgrade or downgrade of your Membership Tier at any time during your subscription period, however, the changes will only be applied to your next subscription period.

7.2 In order to be able to upgrade Your CPS Membership Tier, you must have the required number of Product Points to be eligible to qualify for the relevant Tier. However, you can downgrade to any Tier below your current level.


8.1 To cancel your CPS Membership, you must visit the Subscription page in Your Business Account and follow the instructions for cancellation.

8.2 You may cancel your CPS Membership at any time; however, no refund will be granted for the remainder of your subscription term.

8.3 If you cancel your CPS Membership, you will still have access to your CPS Membership Subscription and can use the benefits until the end of your current billing period.


We may terminate, restrict, or suspend your access to your CPS Membership without credit or refund to you if we determine that your activity violates these Terms, is improper, involves fraud or misuse, or harms or interferes with Our or any other Parties’ interests.


The Services and benefits to which you are entitled according to your CPS Membership Tier are listed in the CPS Subscription in the Subscription page of Your Business Account

11.1 The CPS Membership Benefits are comprised of the following:

  1. Maintenance Allowance - included according to CPS Membership Tier. Your allowance can be used on any of Canon’s Maintenance Services that are offered by our Canon Professional Service Centres (“PSC’s”) across Europe and located in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom. They cannot be used on any other type of services (i.e., Upgrades or Repairs). The amount of Maintenance Allowance per CPS Membership Tier can be found in the table in Clause 11.2.
  2. Service Discount Percentage (%) - is applied to any type of Repairs, Maintenance or Upgrade Services that are offered by our Canon Professional Service Centres (“PSC’s”) across Europe and located in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom. The level of discount varies per CPS Membership Tier and can be found in the table in Clause 11.2.
  3. Fast Track Service Turnaround Time (TAT) - included for repairs or servicing that is offered by our Canon Professional Service Centres (“PSC’s”) across Europe and located in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom for selected Canon products (i.e. EOS cameras, EF and RF Lenses, Video camera and Cinema EOS cameras) that are eligible for ‘Fast Track Service TAT’.
    1. The list of Canon products that are eligible for ‘Fast Track Service TAT’ will change from time to time and the current list can be found here.
    2. The Target Turnaround Time (TAT) per CPS Membership Tier can be found in the table in Clause 11.2 and these shall apply only to a maximum of three (3) products being serviced in any given Service and/or Repair request received from a CPS Member.
    3. The Target Turnaround Times are not guaranteed and are also subject to the availability of Spare Parts. However, our Canon PSC’s across Europe will endeavour to meet the Target Turnaround Times (TAT) listed.
    4. Target Turnaround Times are based on business days (where a business day is defined as excluding weekends, Canon observed holidays, and periods where unavailability is due to circumstances beyond Canon's control) and will be deemed to start the business day after receipt of the product by our Canon PSC and ends on the day the product is ready to leave the Canon PSC. It does not include time spent in shipment (to or from the Canon PSC), nor any time spent awaiting any customer information (i.e. missing documentation) or awaiting a customer decision (i.e. acceptance of Time & Cost Quotation for Chargeable Repairs or Services)
  4. Backup Loans - included for ‘Fast Track Service TAT.’ products undergoing repairs at our Canon Professional Service Centres (“PSC’s”) across Europe and located in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom.
    1. Where applicable and subject to availability, a loan of Backup product(s) will be offered to you if the Target Turnaround Time (TAT) cannot be met or by request only for Platinum CPS Membership Tier (once your Repair request has been submitted to Canon).
    2. The Backup Loan will be offered strictly subject to Canon's standard Terms of Loan (refer to ANNEX below) which you will be deemed to have accepted if you accept or request a Backup Loan through your CPS Membership.
  5. Free Inbound and Return Shipping (Next Business Day) – included for any service or repair requests sent to our Canon PSCs. Only products fully registered on your Business Account are eligible for Free Next Business Day shipping.
  6. CPS Priority Support Helpdesk - Canon provides a dedicated CPS Priority Support Helpdesk to CPS Members only, providing dedicated technical product support and assistance with Service and Support issues. The availability of the CPS Priority Support Helpdesk for CPS Participating Countries. is based on business days (defined as excluding weekends, Canon observed holidays and periods where unavailability is due to circumstances beyond Canon's control). Canon will not be liable in any way for unavailability of this support.
  7. Pro Solutions – includes a series of virtual business coaching sessions and collaborations dedicated to supporting CPS Members.
  8. Professional Community – includes access to the Closed CPS Group within Canon Community.
  9. Global Event Support – Specialised CPS Product Support for accredited professionals and businesses at major global events.
  10. Member only offers from Canon and partners - Dedicated and exclusive offers from Canon and selected partners.
  11. CPS Welcome Pack and digital CPS Membership card - upon commencement of the initial Term of CPS Membership, a Welcome Pack will be sent to the ‘Superuser’ at your registered business address. All ‘User(s)’of your Business Account will be able to download a digital CPS Membership card at the time of joining your Business Account.
  12. Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) Day - Where applicable and part of your CPS Membership benefits, a CPS Member can request an Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) visit by Canon PSC technician(s) who will perform Onsite product cleaning and maintenance for eligible ‘Fast Track Service TAT’ products.
    1. This Service is not available during weekends (unless agreed by Canon) and each visit is for eight (8) hours, inclusive of one (1) hour break
    2. If an Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) Day is desired by you but your CPS Membership Tier does not provide for Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) Day (i.e., CPS Corporate C), or if you would like more Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) visits than are included in your subscription, you can request Canon to provide a quote for such additional services.
    3. During one eight (8) hour visit, one (1) Canon PSC technician will perform the maintenance service outlined below on up to a maximum of twenty-seven (27) DSLR/Mirrorless products; or thirty-three (33) EF/RF Lens products; or thirty-three (33) Video Camera products or twenty (20) Cinema EOS products.
    4. If you require services for both eligible DSLR/Mirrorless/EF & RF Lens products and also for Video Camera and Cinema EOS products, a minimum of two (2) Canon PSC technicians are required and this would incur an additional cost to you.
    5. For those with CPS Corporate A Membership Tier, you have the option to request two (2) technicians for one (1) day or one technician for two (2) consecutive Onsite days as per your benefit. However, if your request requires two (2) technicians (as per above clause), then two (2) Canon technicians would be required for one (1) day and your inclusive benefit of two (2) Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) Days would be consumed.
    6. Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) Day will include the following services:

Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) Services Content


Cleaning: Image Sensor


LP Filter

Cleaning: Mirror


Cleaning: Focus Screen


Cleaning: Camera/Lens Body (External)

Cleaning: Lens/Accessory Shoe Contact

Cleaning: External lens optics


(VIDEO Only)

Tighten external screws

Check and validate operation of all switches, buttons and functions

Check and validate image quality by simple shooting test such as color & focus point

Check and validate audio in & HDMI out function


Firmware update (If applicable)

  1. During the Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) visit the Canon PSC technician may recommend that selected product(s) are sent to a Canon PSC for repair or servicing. Any product(s) sent to the Canon PSC will be managed as per Clause 11.3 below.
12. Technical Skills Product Training (one to many) - Where applicable and part of your CPS Membership benefits, a CPS Member can request Product training for the Users of the Business Account. The training will be delivered via a virtual event hosted by our dedicated Canon Product Specialist team. This benefit must be requested in advance by contacting
via the CPS Priority Support Helpdesk.

11.2 The full list of benefits per CPS Membership Tier is as follows:

1-5 of 6

Membership Tier

Corporate C
Corporate B
Corporate A

Product Points Required


Maintenance Allowance


Service Discount Percentage
(Repair, Maintenance & Upgrades)


Fast Track Service TAT
(EOS, EF & RF Lenses)

5 Business
3 Business
2 Business
3 Business
3 Business
3 Business

Fast Track Service TAT
(Video + Cinema EOS bodies)

5 Business
5 Business
5 Business
5 Business
5 Business
5 Business

Backup Loans
(Repair only)

If Service
If Service
If Service
If Service

Inbound and Return Shipping
(Next Business Day)


CPS Priority Support Helpdesk


Pro Solutions:
series of business coaching sessions and collaborations


Professional Community


Member only offers from Canon and partners


Welcome Pack


Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) Day


Technical Skills Product Training
(one to many)


11.3 All Service & Repair requests provided under this scheme are subject to the respective ’Terms of Service & Repair’ of our Canon Professional Service Centres (“PSC’s”) across Europe and located in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom. For Fixed Price Services or Chargeable Repairs, you are responsible for paying all applicable costs associated with the repair or servicing of your product(s), unless these costs are covered as part of your CPS Membership benefits.

11.4 All benefits are subject to availability and to change and may be withdrawn or altered at any time at the absolute discretion of Canon. Without limitation, Canon reserves the right to make exclusions or exceptions to the availability of benefits. Local variations to the published membership benefits may also apply.

11.5 CPS Membership benefits belong to your Business entity with active CPS Membership and are not transferable. Only the registered ‘Superuser(s)’ or ‘User(s)’ of your Business Account may claim benefits under the CPS Membership and only in relation to the product(s) that are fully registered in your Business Account and are legally owned by your Business.

11.6 It is against these Terms of Use to claim benefits for any other person or Business or on any non-registered or partially registered product(s), nor allow any other person or Business to claim benefits on behalf of your Business. A product is deemed to be fully registered when the product name, serial number, country of purchase, date of purchase and store purchased in have all been completed and the product's points (if applicable) are validated and contributing to your Business Product Points total.

11.7 No benefit may be claimed retrospectively (i.e., by claiming a benefit that You were entitled to claim but which You did not claim at the time when You were entitled to do so) following the end of your current subscription period or after the submission of your service and repair requests.

11.8 Please note CPS Membership does not affect, nor extend your rights under any Canon Commercial Warranty provided with your product(s) at the time of purchase or your statutory legal rights.


12.1 Maintenance Services Allowance – usage of Your ‘Maintenance Allowance’ benefit is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Your available ‘Maintenance Allowance’ balance is displayed within your CPS Subscription page of Your Business Account and is also shown to your ‘’Superuser(s)’ or ‘User(s)’ within the Service & Repair Request process.
  2. Canon will make every effort to ensure your ‘Maintenance Allowance’ balance is up to date
  3. Your ‘Maintenance Allowance’ is displayed in Tokens and converted based on the local currency of the Canon PSC. The conversion rate is stored within our system and represents the up-to-date cost of Maintenance Service (excluding VAT).
  4. ‘Superuser(s)’ or ‘User(s)’ of your Business Account, should raise a Service Request for the applicable Canon product(s) via your Business Account; select the desired Maintenance Service for the product(s) and select to use your ‘Maintenance Allowance’.
  5. Where a ‘User(s)’ of your Business Account requests to use your ‘Maintenance Allowance’, the ‘Superuser(s)’ of your Business Account will be requested to authorise this prior to submission of the request to Canon via our online process.
  6. Where the remaining ‘Maintenance Allowance’ balance on your CPS Subscription is less than the requested Maintenance Service, your Business will be required to pay the difference and no Service Discount Percentage (%) benefit will be applied to this specific request. The ‘User(s)’ raising the request will be informed of this through a high alert notification in the Service & Repair Request process and your ‘Superuser(s) will need to approve it prior to submission.
  7. Your ‘Maintenance Allowance’ is valid for the annual period only and any remaining balance is not transferable if you renew your CPS subscription at the end of the annual term.
12.2 Service Discount Percentage (%) – the applicable Service Discount Percentage (%) for your CPS Membership Tier will be applied by our Canon Professional Service Centres to all approved Chargeable Service and/or Repair Requests raised by your Business during your active CPS Membership subscription period, except for those covered by Clause 12.1 (vi).

12.3 Fast Track Service Turnaround Time (TAT) – the applicable Fast Track Service Turnaround Time (TAT) for your CPS Membership Tier will be applied to products eligible for ‘Fast Track Service TAT’ as follows:
  1. ‘Superuser(s)’ or ‘User(s)’ of your Business Account, should raise a Service and/or Repair request for the applicable Canon product(s) via your Business Account
  2. They will be provided with both a Shipping Label (containing your CPS Membership number) and a ‘CPS Priority Label’ which can be printed at the end of the online request process or from your Confirmation Email.
  3. The Shipment Label (containing your CPS Membership number) and the ‘CPS Priority Label’ must be attached to the outside of the parcel. It is the responsibility of your ‘Superuser(s)’ or ‘User(s)’ to ensure these are clearly visible on the parcel.

12.4 Backup Loans – if Your CPS Membership Tier (see Clause 11.2) entitles You to Backup Loan product(s) this will be applied as follows:
  1. For all applicable ‘Fast Track Service TAT’ products undergoing repair or servicing at our Canon PSC’s, the Canon PSC will contact the applicable ‘User’ of your Business Account if the Target Turnaround Time (TAT) cannot be met to discuss Backup Loan arrangements directly
  2. If your Business Account has an active CPS Platinum membership, your ‘User(s)’ or ‘Superuser(s)’ can request an immediate Backup Loan for any ‘Fast Track Service TAT’ product(s) that you wish to send in for Repair. This request must be made by contacting Canon via the dedicated CPS Priority Support Helpdesk after your Repair request has been submitted. Every effort will be made to fulfil the Backup Loan request; however, the Backup Loan is subject to availability.
  3. Any Backup Loans will be offered strictly subject to Canon's standard Terms of Loan (refer to ANNEX below) which you will be deemed to have accepted if you accept or request a Backup Loan through your CPS Membership.
  4. Backup Loan product(s) can only be delivered within the CPS Participating Countries by arrangement with our Canon PSCs and may also be available for collection from them (on request).
  5. It is your obligation to return the Backup Loan product(s) within 5 days of the return of your Business product(s) to the address stipulated by Canon.
  6. Your Business must ensure that each item is returned in the same condition as supplied to you and you are responsible for any loss, damage or theft of any product(s) on loan to you and you will be required to reimburse Canon for any necessary repair(s) or replacement(s) of the product(s). You are advised to consider taking out suitable insurance to cover any equipment/product(s) on loan to you.
  7. Canon disclaims and excludes all liability in respect of any equipment/product(s) loaned to you to the maximum extent permitted by law.

12.5 Free Inbound and Return Shipping (Next Business Day) – for all CPS Membership Tiers, all Service and Repair requests raised via your Business Account, will be automatically eligible for free Inbound and Return Shipping (Next Business Day) to or from our Canon PSCs. Only products fully registered on your Business Account are eligible for free Next Business Day shipping.

12.6 CPS Priority Helpdesk – for all CPS Membership Tiers, all ‘Superuser(s)’ or ‘User(s)’ of Your Business Account with an active CPS Membership will be able to contact the dedicated CPS Priority Support Helpdesk for Your country. In order to receive CPS Priority support, your ‘Superuser(s)’ or ‘User(s)’ must provide a valid CPS Membership number which will be validated via Canon system(s).

12.7 Pro Solutions – for Platinum, Gold and Silver CPS Membership Tiers, all ‘Superuser(s)’ or ‘User(s)’ of your Business Account with an active CPS Membership will be able to book and attend events (held on a quarterly basis). Virtual events will be provided online only and can be booked through the ‘Event Calendar’ which is available in the Account page of your Business Account.

12.8 Professional Community– for all CPS Membership Tiers, all ‘Superuser(s)’ and ‘User(s)’ of your Business Account with an active CPS Membership will be able to access the Closed CPS Community Group at Canon Club.

12.9 Global Event Support – Specialised CPS Product Support will be available for accredited professionals and businesses at major global events

12.10 Member only offers from Canon and partners - Dedicated and exclusive offers from Canon and selected partners will be published in ‘Benefits & Offers’ which is available in the Account page of your Business Account.

12.11 Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) Day - If your Business Account has an active CPS Corporate A or B membership, your ‘User(s)’ or ‘Superuser(s)’ can request Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) visit by contacting Canon via the dedicated CPS Priority Support Helpdesk as follows:
  1. All requests must be made no less that sixty (60) days prior to your preferred date.
  2. You should provide two (2) to three (3) alternative dates
  3. You should supply the list of product(s) you would like us to service
  4. Once your request has been assessed, Canon will provide you with a quotation (if applicable) which you will need to approve and confirm the date of the visit.
  5. On the day of the visit it is your responsibility to ensure that appropriate preparations are in place (i.e. product(s) unpacked, table, chair, space, power, lighting & internet)
  6. Requests to change the date of the scheduled Onsite Maintenance (Clean & Check) visit will not be accepted after a period of thirty (30) prior to the scheduled date.
12.12 Technical Skills Product Training (one to many) - If your Business Account has an active CPS Corporate A, B or C membership, your ‘User(s)’ or ‘Superuser(s)’ can request Product training by contacting Canon via the dedicated CPS Priority Support Helpdesk as follows:
  1. All requests must be made no less that sixty (60) days prior to your preferred date.
  2. You should provide two (2) to three (3) alternative dates
  3. You should supply the list of product(s) you would like us to provide training for
  4. Once your request has been assessed, Canon will confirm the date of the training.
  5. On the day of the training it is your responsibility to ensure that your ‘Superuser(s)’ or ‘Users’ have appropriate facilities to attend (i.e. product(s) unpacked, table, chair, space, power, lighting & internet)
  6. Requests to change the date of the scheduled Product Training will not be accepted after a period of thirty (30) prior to the scheduled date.


Please refer to our Business Privacy Policy to understand how we process information about You and how you can exercise Your individual rights.


14.1 These Terms of Use, Canon’s Business Privacy Policy, and any other site policies constitute the entire agreement between you and Canon and govern your use of CPS, superseding any prior agreements between you and Canon with respect to the CPS.

14.2 The failure of Canon to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

14.3 If any provision of these Terms of Use is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavour to give effect to the parties’ intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of these Terms of Use remain in full force and effect.

14.4 You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of the Service or these Terms of Use must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.

14.5 You may not assign these Terms of Use without the prior written consent of Canon, but Canon may assign or transfer these Terms of Use, in whole or in part, without restriction. The section titles in these Terms of Use are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

14.6 CPS Membership is strictly subject to these Terms of Use. If at any time you decide you do not wish to be a member or you do not accept these Terms of Use, you should cancel Your CPS Membership as described in Clause 8.

14.7 Canon reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time including, without limitation, Membership Tiers and Benefits and may implement changes or updates from time to time without notice to you and as such you should review the CPS website periodically. However, Canon will endeavour to communicate and highlight any major changes to the Terms of Use.


15.1 You expressly understand and agree that the Canon indemnified parties will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential damages (even if any one of the Canon indemnified parties has been advised of the possibility of such damages) (collectively, “damages”), resulting from: (a) the use or inability to use the service; or (b) any matter relating to the service.

15.2 This disclaimer is applicable to any damage or injury resulting from negligence or omission of Canon, computer virus or other similar item, telecommunications errors, or unauthorized access to, or use of user information through theft or any other means. We are not liable for criminal, tortious, or negligent actions or omissions of third parties that affect the service. In no event will the Canon indemnified parties be held liable for any tortious or illegal conduct of other users. In no event will the Canon indemnified parties be held liable for any damage to equipment, hardware or other property of user or personal injury that arises in connection with use of the service. These limitations shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.

15.3 We do not in any way exclude or limit our liability for: (a) death or personal injury caused by our negligence; (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation and gross negligence; (c) any breach of any terms implied by statute and we do not in any way exclude or limit our liability further than permitted by applicable law.

15.4 You expressly acknowledge and agree that Zuora, inc., a third–party service processor, processes your payment to Canon through the use of a payment method. You understand and agree that neither Zuora, inc. nor any other party involved in the payment method processing process for the service, including, but not limited to, the company issuing the credit card to You and the merchant bank (collectively, the “released parties”) shall be liable for any damages (as defined herein and subject to the limitations set forth in this section) suffered by You as a result of the failure of Canon to provide the service to you under these terms and conditions or any breach of these terms and conditions by Canon. You hereby release each of the released parties from any and all damages you may suffer as a result of a failure of the service to you under these terms and conditions. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of the released parties from any and all damages it may suffer as a result of your breach of this section.

Nothing contained in this clause or elsewhere in these Terms of Use negatively affects Your statutory rights.


We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these Terms of Use which cannot be attributed to us under these Terms of Use, other applicable terms and conditions or applicable law, including but not limited to events outside our reasonable control including acts of god, fire, flood, severe weather, explosions, war (whether declared or not), acts of terrorism, industrial disputes (whether or not involving our employees), or acts of local or central Government or of any other competent authorities, as well as other force


17.1 If you have a dispute with us relating to Your CPS Membership, in the first instance please contact us via the dedicated CPS Priority Support Helpdesk and attempt to resolve the dispute with us.

17.2 If we have a dispute with you relating to Your CPS Membership, we will also seek to contact you directly in order to resolve the matter. We will use contact details you have provided in Your Business Account.

17.3 In the unlikely event we are not able to resolve a dispute, we will discuss with you an effective way of independently resolving the dispute. This does not affect your rights to bring any dispute to the appropriate court in any way.


18.1 We may modify or update these Terms of Use from time to time without notice to you.

18.2 You can view the current version of the Terms of Use here or by contacting us via the CPS Priority Support Helpdesk and requesting a copy of the current Terms of Use.


19.1 These Terms of Use are governed by English law. This means that a Contract for the purchase of CPS Membership made with us and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it will be governed by English law.

19.2 You and we both agree that the courts of England & Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction.


If you have any questions or queries about your CPS Membership, please contact us via the dedicated CPS Priority Support Helpdesk. Our Customer Service team is here to help.

TERMS UPDATED: 17th February 2023



Canon Europa N.V., its subsidiary Canon national sales office or regional sales office (- as defined by:, (“Canon“) agrees to loan to me, without charge, the items overleaf and related accessories as described in the Loan Order (collectively, the “Equipment”). I agree that my use of the Equipment will be subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. The Equipment is for my personal use in accordance with the terms of this agreement, and I will not lend the Equipment to any third party.

2. I recognize that Canon reserves the right to recall any item of Equipment, for any reason, at any time upon notice. All Equipment will be returned to Canon using the provided shipping labels (where applicable), either within 5 working days of receiving my repaired product or the within the period of time specified in each Loan Order, or at such earlier times time if Canon should request its return. Failure to return the Equipment to Canon when requested or required will result in Canon invoicing me for the full manufacturer’s suggested list price for the merchandise.

3. I will return the Equipment at the designated return time, in good, working condition, reasonable wear and tear expected. I agree to use my best efforts to protect the Equipment against shock, impact, water damage, sand, dirt and other harmful substances which may damage the Equipment. I acknowledge and agree that I bear all risk of loss or damage to the Equipment while the Equipment is in my possession and until its receipt by Canon. I agree to reimburse Canon for the cost of any repairs to, or replacement of, the Equipment necessitated due to mishandling, carelessness or neglect while on loan.

4. I agree to use the Equipment in accordance with published Canon instructions. Under no Circumstances will I perform any maintenance or repair on the Equipment. If maintenance or repair on the Equipment is necessary, I will contact Canon for further instructions.

5. I acknowledge and agree that the Equipment is loaned to me “AS IS.” There are no warranties of any kind, express or implied, relating to the use or performance of the Equipment, and any and all such warranties are expressly disclaimed, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Canon shall not be liable for any damages including without limitation, personal injury, property damage, lost profit or other direct, special, incidental or consequential damages, arising out of this agreement or the use or inability to use the equipment.

6. I understand that I am liable for the return costs and am responsible for arranging the shipment back to Canon, unless otherwise agreed with by Canon in advance.

I understand my responsibilities regarding the Equipment as set forth in this Agreement, and I personally guarantee the return of this Equipment, or payment for any part not returned, when recalled by Canon.


LAST UPDATED: 24th January 2022